Ice, Ice Baby…No thanks!

By . March 17th, 2015. Posted in Uncategorized

Bag of IceMost of us have experienced an acute injury at one time or another. You know the type…these are theĀ  injuries that result from traumatic incidents and are immediately painful– like a fall, a sudden twisting movement,a direct blow or…in my case, playing a very competitive game of tag with one’s extremely active 5-year-old grandson.

I love playing with my grand kids, and usually I can keep up. The keyword here is “usually.”

This time, I aggravated the tendinitis I have in my right Achilles heel. Usually, getting a fresh-from-the-freezer Flaxie Pack on it fixes me fast, but I’m currently in a hotel without access to a freezer…so I had to get inventive.

I stuffed a plastic target bag with a bucket-ful of ice from the hotel vending area, to which I have one thing to say: OUCH. Even with a towel over it, ice is just too achingly cold! And the sharp edges of the cubes are no fun either. I forced myself to keep the ice bag on for 10 minutes at a time, but it was a miserable experience.

Keeping a Flaxie Pack made with soft, durable cotton and filled with silky soft, velvety smooth and oil-rich flax seeds is a far better alternative. The natural oils in the seed grab the temperature– in this case cold– and provide 20-30 minutes of very tolerable, extremely therapeutic cold treatment. If the pain and inflammation is really bad, I return the first pack to the freezer and grab another for a second consecutive treatment.

Why not keep a fresh, locally made Flaxie Pack in the freezer for the next acute injury you get? You’ll be glad you did!





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