Flaxie Packs for Manly Men!

By . June 3rd, 2015. Posted in Gifts & Occasions

FlaxiePacks_FathersDay_IMG_7160_editFather’s Day is 2 weeks from Sunday! Yep, June 21st is truly right around the corner.

For a lot of folks, the thought of buying Dad a gift causes hand-wringing and great gnashing of teeth. Unless he’s a big-time hobbyist, the list of gift possibilities can be short. Try asking him what he wants and you probably won’t get anywhere either. MEN, right?!

Flaxie Packs to the rescue! Our 100% cotton comfort pillows– filled with pure, U.S.-grown flax seed with no added fragrance– are wonderfully refreshing used cold from the freezer at this time of year…they’re perfect through the dog days of summer, and come Fall & Winter, he’ll love their soothing, cozy goodness right from the microwave just as much. (And he’ll like that they are made in America, too– Dads are patriotic and cool like that.)

This year, we’ve created a special limited collection with a view toward Big Daddy– or, really, any of the men in your life. Just like craft beer or fine chocolate, we’ve made these manly favorites in small batches– very small, actually– and when they’re gone, they’re gone! Visit our Facebook page to see these beautiful fabrics that our home sewers we’ve made into Flaxie Originals (9″ x 12″) and Flaxie Wraps (5″ x 22′). Available at $22 and $24 each, this limited collection is not on the web site– please order quickly by emailing us at info@flaxiepacks.com, or by Private Message on Facebook.

P.S. This Saturday, June 6th, we’re happy to be a part of Walkersville 2nd annual Bazaar from 10:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. We’re raising funds for the town’s beautiful new library, so we’ll all be setting up at the building’s future site,  across South Glade Road from Creamery Park. Stop by, browse a bit and pick up one of these manly favorites– or choose from our regular line for adults– and Kiddos!



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