Apple Pie Steel-Cut Oatmeal– in Your Slow Cooker!

By . October 2nd, 2015. Posted in Tasty Fridays

10-2 Slow-Cooker-Apple-Pie-Steel-Cut-Oatmeal1Some say you eat with your eyes first, and maybe that’s true for quite a few. But me? Well, I eat with my nose first…if something smells heavenly, my enjoyment begins long before I take that first bite.

If you love the idea of filling your house with the smell of something wonderful cooking, have I got a recipe for you!  I make this slow-cooking, nutty delight around 11:00 PM on a Sunday night as I’m battening down the hatches and heading for bed. I turn it on LOW, cook it overnight and wake up at 6:30 AM to heaven in a bowl. (I store the rest in a Pyrex bowl with a tight lid, and microwave a bowl each day all week– sometimes for breakfast, sometimes  a half-portion as a mid-afternoon snack.)

In your slow cooker combine:

1 Cup Steel Cut Oaks (Use only old-fashioned, steel cut oats– no shortcuts! I use the Organic type from Wegmans.)

4 Cups Almond Milk

2 medium apples, chopped (I don’t peel mine…can’t be bothered– plus the skin disintegrates, and adds to the texture and lavor)

1 teaspoon coconut oil

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

Stir and cook on low for 8 hours. Stir before serving. Enjoy warm with a little extra Almond Milk. Add a little honey or maple syrup if it’s not sweet enough for you.

P.S. Wouldn’t this cold, rainy weekend be a great time to try this? Let me know how you like it!


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